Agricultural Irrigation
BAEN Extension Irrigation Specialists conduct programs across the state related to irrigation scheduling, management and advances in equipment and technology.
The Irrigation Technology Center is a proposed facility for both urban and agricultural irrigation that will test and certify irrigation products, developed efficiency and performance standards, and provide education and applied research services for the industry as well as consumers.
For more information visit itc.tamu.edu

Landscape Irrigation
The School of Irrigation conducts research and educational programs supporting the Texas Irrigation Industry as well as offering continued education credits for the TCEQ Landscape Irrigation Program. Students can learn topics such as irrigation design, scheduling, drip irrigation, smart controllers, troubleshooting and auditing.
For more information visit irrigation.tamu.edu

Irrigation Scheduling & Management Programs
The TexasET Network is a collaboration of weather stations across the state. Irrigators can access daily ETo as well as weather information such as temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and rainfall. Irrigators can calculate irrigation water requirements through the use of online calculators and have the ability to sign up for emailed weekly irrigation recommendations.
For more information about the TexasET Network visit texaset.tamu.edu
The Texas High Plains agricultural irrigation and water management program develops, evaluates and promotes tools and strategies for managing irrigation in water-limited crop production systems. The multi-agency integrated research and extension team emphasizes locally relevant and readily available advanced irrigation technologies and integration of site-specific information for efficient management of limited water resources. Educational resources and opportunities are provided for agricultural producers; Extension educators; crop consultants; and other agricultural, irrigation, environmental and engineering professionals. For more information, please contact Dr. Dana Porter at [email protected].