Your gift supports student success and ensures they have the opportunities and resources needed to excel.
Giving to the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
The Texas A&M Foundation has developed a convenient method for you to help our students and other highly relevant needs in the BAEN Department. You can now use your credit card to give gifts ($25 to $25,000) directly to these funds that would be used by the BAEN Department to provide our students with leadership development and international experience opportunities, or to help the Department move to the next level of excellence. These funds are endowed, which means that your gift today would keep on giving for many generations to come.
Ways to Give
There are numerous ways to give through the Texas A&M Foundation that allow you to direct your gift for a specific purpose at Texas A&M University. You can support students, faculty, college programs or student activities with an endowed gift that will provide permanent support, or you can make a non-endowed “pass-through” gift to be used more immediately for a designated purpose.
Industry Partnerships and Corporate Giving
The best choice a business can make is investing in future generations. If you’re a business looking for ways to give back through time, talents, money or experiences, our development team would love to connect and help identify ways we can turn your interests into a worthwhile investment.
Department-Wide Impact
Fund for Excellence – Income
This fund provides much-needed support to allow the BAEN Department to invest in programs and infrastructure that will allow us to rise to the next level of excellence. The latest instructional delivery tools, new methods of recruiting the top potential students, and research tools that separate us from our peers are difficult to fund by traditional sources but are possible with Funds for Excellence.
Ag Engineering Program Enhancement Fund
These funds will be used as directed by the donor or at the discretion of the department head in support of the needs of the department.
Student Impact
Student Enrichment Fund
This fund is used for enhancing our student leadership development and supports our undergraduate student club activities, functions, and participation in national activities. Although the students raise significant amounts of support on their own, it is not sufficient to allow students to be involved in the local and national activities that are necessary to prepare our students to be leaders.
Undergraduate Student International Experience Fund
This fund is used to help provide our undergraduate students with meaningful international experiences. Students gain many benefits from international experiences through Study Abroad classes in Leuven, Belgium, and through the student exchange program between our students and students from the University of Guanajuato in Mexico. Unfortunately, many students often struggle to find sufficient money to participate in these types of activities.
Dr. Brock Faulkner ’04 Memorial Scholarship
Brittney Faulkner, with the support of the extended Faulkner family, has established with the Texas A&M Development Foundation an endowed fund that will provide scholarships to Agricultural Systems Management and Biological and Agricultural Engineering students. Donations to this fund are encouraged.
Learn About the Texas A&M Foundation
The Texas A&M Foundation builds a brighter future for Texas A&M University, one relationship at a time.
As a nonprofit and the primary academic fundraising institution for Texas A&M, we aspire to be among the most trusted philanthropies in higher education. Our team works with former students, corporations and other Texas A&M supporters to match their charitable interests with the university’s priorities. Gifts create scholarships, advance faculty endeavors, enhance student programs and fund campus construction, greatly enhancing Texas A&M’s mission to provide the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs and develop new understandings through research and creativity.
Contact Our Development Team
Our development officers are determined to help you invest in causes you care about. Whether you are considering making your first gift or are already a longtime donor, we’re excited to work with you! Please contact the Texas A&M Foundation for more information.