Animal Manure and Process Wastewater Management
Texas Animal Manure Management Issues website, tammi.tamu.edu, is a clearinghouse of comprehensive information and education on Texas Animal Manure Management Issues (TAMMI) to benefit producers, agricultural business professionals, government agencies, private consultants, educational institutions and general public and serves as a one stop electronic library on this subject. The site is continuously up-dated with pertinent information. The “Ask the Manure Expert” feature has been an excellent resource for clients in Texas and other states and countries.
For more information visit tammi.tamu.edu

Air Quality from Livestock and Poultry Operations (Center for Agricultural Air Quality Engineering & Science)
The mission of the CAAQES is to provide the research, technology transfer, and educational programs that will result in appropriate regulation of agricultural operations, rapid adoption of new air pollution abatement technology, as well as increase the number of graduates pursuing careers in environmental air quality fields. The concept of the CAAQES is that faculty will conduct research and develop adult educational programs for technology transfer, and course work for both undergraduates and graduate students. The research results will serve as the science and engineering base for the appropriate regulation of air pollution.